22 March 2023
8 min Read
Clinical Challenges in ARDS and Mechanical Ventilation
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a complex medical condition that can result from various causes, including sepsis, pneumonia, trauma, or aspiration. It is characterized by severe hypoxemia, respiratory distress, and bilateral lung infiltrates on chest imaging. ARDS is associated with high morbidity and mortality, with reported mortality rates ranging from 30% to 50%. Mechanical ventilation is a crucial intervention in managing ARDS, but it can pose significant challenges, particularly in patients with complex clinical presentations.
Heterogeneity in Lung Injury
ARDS is characterized by diffuse alveolar damage, leading to increased alveolar-capillary membrane permeability and the accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the alveoli. However, the degree and pattern of lung injury can vary among patients, resulting in heterogeneity in lung compliance, gas exchange, and response to mechanical ventilation. Heterogeneity in lung injury can make it challenging to set appropriate ventilator settings for individual patients, as there is no one-size-fits-all approach.
Lung-protective ventilation strategies, such as low tidal volume and high positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), can help minimize lung injury but may not be sufficient in all cases.
Refractory Hypoxemia
In some cases of ARDS, mechanical ventilation alone may not be sufficient to maintain adequate oxygenation, despite lung-protective strategies and high levels of PEEP. Refractory hypoxemia is a significant challenge in these patients and may require adjunctive therapies, such as prone positioning or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
Prone positioning involves turning the patient onto their stomach to improve oxygenation and reduce the risk of ventilator-induced lung injury. However, it requires specialized equipment and expertise and may only be feasible in some patients.
ECMO is a more invasive technique that involves removing blood from the patient, oxygenating it outside the body, and returning it to the patient's circulation. ECMO can provide advanced respiratory support in patients with refractory hypoxemia but is associated with significant risks, including bleeding, infection, and clotting.

Coexisting Medical Conditions
Patients with ARDS often have coexisting medical conditions that complicate their management and increase the risk of adverse outcomes. For example, patients with sepsis may require aggressive fluid resuscitation, which can exacerbate pulmonary oedema and respiratory failure.
Patients with cardiac disease may be at risk of hemodynamic instability during mechanical ventilation and may require advanced hemodynamic monitoring and support. Patients with renal impairment may require adjustments in medication dosing and fluid management to avoid further renal injury.